Family Time

Nana and Liviwatermark

I invited our eight year old granddaughter over this afternoon. We had such a good time swimming in a friend’s pool. I love her heart for others. She told me today she feels like she is supposed to be a missionary when she grows up. She said she is too young to go away right now but she can start by reaching out to her friends and new kids at school. She said she can pray for them and read the Bible at school. We passed a fireworks tent and she said, “Nana, I feel for people that only have a tent for their church. We should pray for them.” I told her what that tent is for and she said yes, but there are some churches that only have a tent. So I suggested she pray for them. She said sure and began to pray for people to have peace and heal the people that are sick and help churches that only have a tent to get a better church. This is why Jesus tells us to come to him with the faith of a child. Children believe God will do what He says He will do.

On a side note here’s a funny thing sweet little grand asked me today. She said, “Nana, I haven’t seen my other Nana & Papa for a while. I forgot, are they black or white? or Is one black and one white?” I told her that they are white and she said, “I guess I’m white then.” As far as I know she’s never asked about skin color up until now. I’m so thankful that our grands are growing up with a love for all people. Our church has about 15 different nationalities represented and our grand girls feel loved by so many of our people. This last Sunday morning I saw her and a friend walking around and greeting everyone they could with handshakes or hugs. If our world could learn from children we would be color blind and much more forgiving and trusting.

This evening we went over to daughter and son in law’s for a cook out. After our yummy burgers and beans, we played Apples to Apples. It was great spending time with family. Only way it could have been better is if our baby girl from Washington State could have been with us. I’m so thankful for our family.


Family 3 watermark

Published by thegingeroptimist

My name is Jan McIntyre, also known as The Ginger Optimist. I love Jesus, cooking, baking, making my own DIY products, photography, makeup, bargain shopping and encouraging others.

10 thoughts on “Family Time

  1. I love this page Jan. Feeling a bit down and after reading your page, I was reminded about the goodness of our God. Miss and love you sis. I thank God for his constant presence in my life and for surrounding with loving people.

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